Single Over 30: Attract a Trustworthy, Marriage-Minded Man

Should You Tell a Man: "I don't need a man?"

Season 4 Episode 138

Hey there, Awesome Single Lady!

If you're a woman who is over 30 and is ready to find a meaningful relationship, then you're going to love this message.

In this episode, we dive into one of today’s biggest dating debates: Should you tell a man, “I don’t need a man”?

Join me as we take a look at this statement really communicates, why men are often drawn to women who celebrate their independence, and how to balance self-sufficiency with inviting someone into your life. This episode will give you the exact phrases to use to express your independence without making a man feel unwanted or valued.  

I know this episode will empower you to show up authentically—and get closer to the relationship you deserve.

I hope you love this episode! 

Your coach, 
Shana Schutte